Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 3, My social media

Well I really fail on today's blogging prompt ...tell us about your social media.  Here's the lineup and its not too impressive.
  • Facebook...this is probably the only one I really use much of.  I am a total FB creeper.  I love to keep up with old friends, classmates, coworkers etc on FB but I am so bad about actually making many status entries myself.
  • Twitter...I do have an account but I think I have used it twice.  I really don't understand the appeal.  Maybe I don't really get how to use it right.  To me its just as easy to send a text message to someone, I don't see the advantage of the Twitter platform.  Today over at Kelly's Korner she was talking about how much she likes Twitter and how it gives her a chance to have an adult conversation when she is home with her kids.  So maybe one of you could give me some Twitter tips...I obviously don't use it to its fullest potential.
  • me this doesn't seem like social media but Jenna included it so I will too.  I do LOVE Pinterest but I seem to keep pinning ideas and not spending enough time to actually try them.  My favorite things to look for are new recipes (I often use my church small group as my guinea pigs!), activities for the kids and crafts.  Its the craft things that I seem never to get the time to try out.
As far as the question of my favorite websites, that could be an entire post so I think I'll save it for another time.  This has been fun folks.  Thanks for hanging in there with me thus far this week!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 2, About my blog

It's my 3rd day in the blogworld and I have already learned 2 very important lessons.  #1 If you forget your password you will have to give Google a kidney in order to recover it.  #2 If you wait to blog until after everyone else is in bed you will be so tired you will wonder if you are capable of coherent thought and all those funny, quirky things that occurred to you during the day that might be good things to blog about will be lost in the vast boggy mess you call your brain.  Ok, tommorrow I will do better (or learn some other bit of blogging wisdom!).

On to the challenge topic for the day...."Tell us about your blog. What do you blog about? Why do you blog? How did you start blogging? What kinds of things do you/are you willing to share with the world? Where do you find your topic inspiration?"....

I have thought about blogging on and off for a while now.  Mostly since I became a mom a little over 2 years ago.  I think the reason is twofold.  For one thing I think my boys are precious and they always do the funniest things or teach me the sweetest lessons and I thought it might be fun to share them.  Two, sometimes there are things I want to "talk" through, to process, to pick apart until I understand them and it seems like the blog world is a great place to meet people in the same place in life, whether good or bad.  I've been reluctant to actually start a blog though because the publicness of it worries me some.  There are some weirdos in this world (just being honest) and I am not sure I want all of everyone to know every detail of my life...even the ones I choose to share in part if that makes any sense.  Thus I for the moment am not using my husband's or kiddos' names, no city, no pictures.  Will it stay that way forever?  Maybe?  Probably?  I don't know.  I'm feeling this thing out as I go.

Alright, off to take a nice quiet, hot bath without interruption...ahhh a mommy's dream!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 1, All about me

I'm so busy laughing at myself at the moment I can hardly type.  So, if you've been on this page for more than about 2 seconds you know that I am new to the blog world and am using the 3rd Annual Commenting Challege as a springboard to start my own blog.  Yesterday I registered for a Blogger account and set this page up.  Today I sat down to sign in and write my first "real" post and I couldn't remember my password!  Oh for pete's sake!!  I have now spent the better part of an hour (during the most precious time of day, known commonly as naptime) trying to get back into the account I created.  Props to Google...that is some serious security they've got goin' on.  Ok, on to the real stuff now.

I am using Jenna's questions each day during the challenge to get my blog up and running.  Today's question/prompt is to tell everyone all about yourself.  I'm married to The Hubby whom I have known for almost a dozen years now and we have two sweet boys, my Big Guy and The Baby.  The Baby is actually 2 and repeatedly tells me he isn't a baby, but he's a baby, what does he know! :) I'm a most-of-the-time SAHM married to a man who works so hard to provide for me and these precious boys.  We are Texans and love the state, its friendly and diverse people but I for one am not a fan of these scorcher summers.  They seem to be getting hotter every year....ugh!

Alright stay tuned for tomorrow's post...provided I can still get into my account then of course :)


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Here goes nothing...

So, I have been thinking about writing a blog for a while now and today is the day I took the leap!  Will I write every day?  I don't know.  Do I know what exactly I will write about, what my niche will be?  Nope.  How is that for an introduction?!

I'm going to start by participating in the 3rd Annual Commenting Challenge hosted by Jenna's Journey.  This year she is posting a question/topic each day throughout the challenge.  I'm hoping that getting started writing everyday while participating in the challenge will give me a great springboard to start sharing my own ideas.

So welcome to my tiny space.  Let's get acquainted....
